

Eavesdropping by using bugs, often cheap relics from China, is growing every day.

Governments and corporations are always under attack from many terrorisation such as video or audio bugging devices that increase intelligence so reckless individuals can go on to cause

Organisations & Governments are increasingly coming under attack from an ever-widening array of complex threats including audio & data eavesdropping, hacking, fraud, computer misuse, staff malpractice & criminality.

Reduced costs in bugging devices, the proliferation of government technology into the mainstream and advances in 4g technology have enabled the quality and accessibility of recordings to increase. Over a decade ago it was needed for the person doing the bugging to obtain the device such as a physical tape. Now the data is streamed wirelessly; we look to assess if your surroundings have been bugged!

Contact Us

Compute Forensics are based in London but are available for contracts and work in the global area. Please don’t hesitate to email us at expert@compute-forensics.com for a free online or call consultation.

Looking clear your surrounding of listening devices?